引用本文:马国光,曹连进,钟荣强,季夏夏. 塔二联轻烃站脱硫系统参数调整分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 21-24.
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针对塔二联轻烃站脱硫装置天然气中H2S含量变化较大,脱硫不达标的实际情况,对脱硫装置的运行参数进行敏感性分析。分析结果表明,吸收塔操作压力、操作温度及MDEA循环量对净化气中H2S含量影响不大,而再生塔操作参数对脱硫效果的影响非常显著。因此,只对MDEA再生塔操作参数进行调整。结果 表明,在塔二联天然气中H2S质量分数增加58%的条件下,对MDEA再生塔操作压力和温度进行微调,可有效降低净化气中H2S含量并使其达标。
关键词:  脱硫装置  敏感性  参数调整  H2S含量
Parameters adjustment analysis of desulfurization system of Tahe 2# light hydrocarbon station
Ma Guoguang1, Cao Lianjin1, Zhong Rongqiang2, Ji Xiaxia1
(1. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. Northwest Oilfield Branch, SINOPEC, Urumqi 830000, China)
Aiming at the fluctuation of H2S content in natural gas and the unqualified natural gas, the sensitivity analysis of operating parameters that affect the desulfurization device were made. The analysis result indicates that operating pressure, temperature of the absorber and MDEA circulation flow rate have little effect on H2S content in sweet gas, but operating parameters of regenerator have a great influence on desulfurization effect. Therefore, only operating parameters of MDEA regenerator were adjusted. The results show that when the mass fraction of H2S in natural gas increased by 58%, it can effectively reduce the content of H2S in the sweet gas to reach the standard by slightly adjusting operating pressure and temperature of MDEA regenerator.
Key words:  desulfurization device  sensitivity  parameter adjustment  H2S content