引用本文:陈信,曹东,王婷婷,李丽,文科. 降低凝析油中H2S含量的工艺模拟及优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 25-29.
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中亚某油气处理厂因稳定凝析油产品中H2S含量较高,在凝析油装车过程中,装车台周边空气中H2S浓度较高,严重影响操作人员人身安全。通过对稳定凝析油中H2S超高的原因进行分析,利用HYSYS软件对凝析油稳定装置进行了模拟。模拟结果表明,在未对工艺流程及工艺设备进行整改的情况下,保持塔底温度在155~160 ℃的范围,塔顶压力为0.3 MPa,调整塔顶、塔中部进料质量比为1∶1,稳定凝析油中H2S质量浓度从约170 mg/L下降至约20 mg/L,装车台周边未监测到H2S。
关键词:  稳定凝析油  H2S  HYSYS  模拟
Process simulation and optimization to reduce H2S content in condensate oil
Chen Xin1, Cao Dong2, Wang Tingting1, Li Li1, Wen Ke2
(1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China;2. Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 401200, China)
Due to high H2S content in the stabilized condensate products of an oil and gas processing plant in Central Asia, the high H2S concentrations in the air around the loading platform during the process of condensate oil loading seriously affect the safety of the operators. The reasons of the ultrahigh H2S content in condensate oil were analyzed, and the condensate stabilization unit was simulated by HYSYS software. The results showed that without changing the technological process and the process equipments, when the temperature at the bottom of the column was controlled from 155 ℃ to 160 ℃, and the pressure was 0.3 MPa, by adjusting the feed ratio at the top and middle of the column to 1∶1, H2S content in stabilized condensate decreased from 170 mg/L to 20 mg/L or so, and H2S was not detected around the loading platform.
Key words:  stabilized condensate  H2S  HYSYS  simulation