引用本文:常心洁,付子航,崔峰,陈杰. LNG 产业链动态模拟仿真平台应用现状和展望[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 45-49.
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LNG 产业链动态模拟仿真平台应用现状和展望
LNG产业链是一个复杂的系统工程,为了寻找产业链运行和管理中的短板环节和规避风险,需要通过动态模拟仿真对现有LNG生产物流系统进行优化和设计。通过对系统仿真概念的了解,和对模拟LNG产业链的动态仿真软件进行比较和选择可知, Witness软件可用于LNG产业链动态模拟的二次开发。在Witness软件基础上通过编程语言进行二次开发,编制了LNG产业链动态仿真系统的完整模型结构,介绍了二次开发的思路和算法,并对建立好的动态模拟仿真平台进行了软件测试,提出了二次开发和应用中的瓶颈问题和解决方法。最后总结了该仿真平台将来的应用前景和方向。
关键词:  LNG  产业链  动态模拟仿真  二次开发  应用现状
Application situation and prospect of LNG industrial chain dynamic simulation platform
Chang Xinjie, Fu Zihang, Cui Feng, Chen Jie
(Research and Development Center of CNOOC Gas and Power Group,Beijing 100028,China)
LNG industrial chain is a complicated and systematic engineering. In order to find out the short board links and avoid the risks in the running and management process of LNG industrial chain, LNG production logistics system should be optimized and designed by dynamic simulation. Witness software can be used for secondary development in LNG industrial chain dynamic simulation by comprehending the definition of systematic simulation, comparing and selecting the software which can be used to simulated LNG industrial chain. The complete model structure of LNG industrial chain dynamic simulation system is drawn in the article, and Witness software is secondarily developed by programming language, and the developing idea and method are introduced. The established dynamic simulation platform is tested, and the bottleneck problem and settlement is put forward in the secondary development and application. Finally the application prospect and direction of LNG industrial chain dynamic simulation platform in future is proposed.
Key words:  LNG  industrial chain  dynamic simulation  secondary development  application situation