引用本文:罗树林,盖璟权,江浩,张跃征. PRICO○R天然气液化技术及应用实践[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 50-53, 58.
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PRICO○R是美国博莱克威奇(Black & Veatch)拥有的专利天然气液化工艺。目前在中国,和康泰斯公司合作建设的有21套装置,其中13套已经顺利投产。PRICO○R液化工艺适合多种组分的进料气;冷剂回路是封闭可调节式系统,单级混合冷剂具有成熟可靠、简单高效和易于操作等特点。冷箱和冷剂压缩机是该项技术的核心设备,可保证装置运行的长期稳定性。介绍了LNG工厂的一些主要操作情况,分析了现场遇到的实际问题,提出了操作控制的建议,为LNG新建工厂及PRICO○R厂在技术和操作方面提供指导。
关键词:  PRICO  天然气液化  LNG  混合冷剂  工厂操作
PRICO○R natural gas liquefaction technology and practical application
Luo Shulin, Gai Jingquan, Jiang Hao, Zhang Yuezheng
(Black & Veatch Company, Beijing 100022, China)
PRICO○R is a natural gas liquefaction technology patented by Black & Veatch, 21 sets of LNG factories using PRICO○R technology have been built in cooperation with Chemtex Company in China, 13 of which have been successfully put into operation. PRICO○R liquefaction technology is an open process which is suitable for feed gas with multiple components. The refrigerant loop is a closed adjustable system with single grade mixed refrigerant, it was proved to be mature and reliable, simple and efficient as well as easy to operate. Cold box and refrigerant compressor are core equipment of the technology, which ensure long-term stable operation. Key operations were introduced in the paper, problems encountered in field were investigated, and operation recommendations were provided, which could provide technical and operational guidance for newly built LNG factory and PRICO○R factories.
Key words:  PRICO  natural gas liquefaction  LNG  mixed refrigerant  plant operation