引用本文:李伟,蒋泽银,艾天敬,陈楠,苏福燕,胡志国,等. 抗温抗盐复合缓蚀起泡剂的室内评价及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 59-62.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.中国石油西南油气田公司重庆气矿
天然气气井开发中后期因地层能量降低,携液能力下降,致使产水气井井筒内积液严重,影响气井产能。对此,需要采取泡沫排水措施以维持气井正常生产。川渝地区大多为含H2S和CO2的酸性气田,在进行泡排的同时需要进行腐蚀防护。因此,开展了复合缓蚀起泡剂的评价研究及应用,以实现在酸性气藏开采中的泡排和防腐联作。对复合缓蚀起泡剂CT5-20的性能进行了评价研究,证明该复合缓蚀起泡剂不仅抗温抗盐(150 ℃、300 g/L矿化度)、泡排性能优异,而且具有较好的腐蚀防护性能。用该缓蚀起泡剂在重庆气矿X井进行现场试验,取得了较好的缓蚀泡排效果,说明CT5-20复合缓蚀起泡剂的应用可以实现高温、高矿化度酸性气井的泡排防腐联作。
关键词:  CT5-20  起泡剂  缓蚀  积液  高温  高矿化度
Laboratory evaluation and application of corrosion inhibition and foaming compound agent with temperature-salt resistant
Li Wei1,Jiang Zeyin1,Ai Tianjing2,Chen Nan1,Su Fuyan1,Hu Zhiguo2,He Xin2
(1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, Petroleum Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China;2.Chongqing Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chongqing 400021,China)
The formation energy and the liquid carrying ability were reduced during the middle or later times of natural gas exploration, which caused serious accumulation of liquid in the down hole and affected the productive capacity of well. Then, foam drainage measures are needed to maintain the normal production of gas well. Due to the existence of H2S and CO2, most of the gas field in Sichuan and Chongqing are of high acidity. Therefore, aiming at the gas field of high acidity which is in face of the problems of liquid loading, the study of corrosion inhibition and foaming compound agent could realize the application of corrosion inhibition and foam-dewatering gas recovery at the same time. In this paper, the corrosion inhibition and foaming compound agent named CT5-20 was studied, which was proved to be used under high temperature and high salinity (150 ℃, with salinity of 300 g/L). CT5-20 was used in the testing well of Chongqing gas field, it can be demonstrated that this compound agent can be used in the acid gas field with high salinity and high temperature for corrosion inhibition and foam-dewatering gas recovery.
Key words:  CT5-20  foaming agent  corrosion inhibition  liquid loading  high temperature  high salinity