引用本文:陈家晓,崔晓燕,陈智,钟晓瑜,彭杨,蒋密. 气井井下挂片腐蚀监测工艺研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 63-66.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司采气工程研究院;2.国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司重庆气矿
关键词:  腐蚀监测  钢丝作业  投捞  冲蚀  流态  节流效应  室内试验  现场应用
Research and application of downhole coupon corrosion monitoring technology in gas well
Chen Jiaxiao1,2, Cui Xiaoyan3, Chen Zhi1,2, Zhong Xiaoyu1,2, Peng Yang1,2, Jiang Mi1,2
(1. Gas Production Engineering Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Guanghan 618300,China;2. National Energy R & D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Guanghan 618300, China;3. Chongqing Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing 404100,China)
As more and more mining of acidic gas reservoir, downhole corrosion prevention and corrosion monitoring are increasingly important. The traditional downhole coupon corrosion monitoring is to hang a piece of coupon installed inside a stationary tubing nipple, but the coupon must be into and up with the tubing in the well. Because the monitoring depth is fixed, the result and analysis of downhole coupon corrosion monitoring are limited by the workover job opportunity. Aiming at the faults of conventional downhole corrosion monitoring as well as the demand of current locale monitoring, a tool for gas well downhole corrosion monitoring was researched and developed independently. The result of indoor evaluation and field test indicated that the tool has the advantages of reliable performance and convenient implement, more real and intuitive evaluation of downhole corrosion, a wide practical range, as well as convenient adjustment for the depth of corrosion monitoring, adjustable number and type, etc. The successful application provides a direct basis for the downhole corrosion inhibition of gas wells and selecting reasonable workover job opportunity, greatly reduces the cost of downhole corrosion monitoring of gas well and overhaul operations, which has an important meaning for gas well safety production.
Key words:  corrosion monitoring  wireline operation  throwout  erosion  flow regime  throttling effect  laboratory experiment  field application