引用本文:刘祖鹏,李宾飞,赵方剑. 低渗透油藏CO2泡沫驱室内评价及数值模拟研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 70-74.
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关键词:  低渗透裂缝性油藏  泡沫封堵  提高采收率  泡沫驱  数值模拟
Indoor evaluation and numerical simulation research of CO2 foam flooding in low permeability reservoirs
Liu Zupeng1, Li Binfei2, Zhao Fangjian1
(1. Research Institute of Geosciences, Shengli Oilfield Company, SINOPEC, Dongying 257015, China;2.College of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qindao 266555, China)
CO2 channeling occurred too early in the pilot test of CO2 flooding in Yaoyingtai oil field, which decreased its sweeping volume and production capacity. Low permeability fractured core models were generated by core cutting technique. Based on indoor experiments, the foam blocking ability and flooding performance were measured by core flooding experimental apparatus and EOR results of foam displacement following water and gas flooding were conducted. The mechanisms of different components in foam and EOR performance in low permeability fractured reservoirs were analyzed by numerical simulation. The results showed that foam could increase fluid flow resistance in the fracture, reduce liquid motility effectively and resistance factors were between 46 and 80; there was a foam apparent viscosity in the fracture that had an impact on the initial flow of foam. For the oil saturated fractured cores flooded by water and gas, oil recovery was increased by 26% and 35% respectively, and the mechanism of CO2 foam EOR in low permeability fractured reservoirs was the transverse pressure between facture and matrix.
Key words:  low-permeability fractured reservoir  foam plugging  enhanced oil recovery  foam flooding  numerical simulation