引用本文:聂岚,袁宗明,杨锦林,青成凤,周永淳. XXP-1固体消泡剂在川西气田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 75-78.
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1.“油气藏地质及开发工程”国家重点实验室·西南石油大学 ;2.中国石油化工股份有限公司西南油气分公司川西采气厂
针对目前液体消泡剂使用的局限性,川西气田引进了XXP-1固体消泡剂,在含泡沫液天然气进入分离器之前消除其携带的泡沫。在X5、XC6和XYHF-2井进行了现场试验。试验结果表明,XXP-1固体消泡剂对X5、XC6和XYHF-2气井水样具有较好的破泡、抑泡能力,平均破泡时间小于10 s,平均抑泡时间大于6 min。加注XXP-1固体消泡剂后,污水罐泡沫高度明显下降,站场月污水拉运量大大提高,天然气出站压力降低,接近管网压力。XXP-1固体消泡剂能有效消除携液天然气中的泡沫,提高分离器气液分离效率。
关键词:  川西气田  排水采气  泡排剂  泡沫  消泡剂  气液分离效率  现场试验  效果评价
Application of XXP-1 solid defoaming agent in the western Sichuan gas field
Nie Lan1, Yuan Zongming1, Yang Jinlin2, Qing Chengfeng2, Zhou Yongchun2
(1.State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. Western Sichuan Gas Production Plant of Sinopec Southwest Branch Company, Deyang 618000, China)
Aiming at the application restriction of liquid defoaming agent, XXP-1 solid defoaming agent was introduced and field tests were conducted in X5,XC6 and XYHF-2 gas wells of the western Sichuan gas field. The results indicated that XXP-1 solid defoamer has good capacity of breaking bubbles and inhibiting foam generation, the defoaming time of XXP-1 solid defoaming agent was less than 10 s and the inhibiting time was more than 6 min. The height of foam in sewage tank substantially reduced, monthly sewage pull capacity of upstream well station was greatly increased, and the gas outlet pressure dropped and approached to the pressure of pipe network after injecting XXP-1 solid defoamer. XXP-1 solid defoaming agent could efficiently eliminate the bubble and improve the gas-liquid separation efficiency.
Key words:  western Sichuan gas field  drainage gas production  foaming agent  foam  defoamer  gas-liquid separation efficiency  field test  effect evaluation