引用本文:牟明仁,赵雪蓉,张代华,胡晓静,董伟峰,李莉,等. 进口生物柴油调合燃料与进口柴油质量对比研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 83-86.
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通过分析、对比了解到,进口生物柴油调合燃料与进口柴油有12个相同的检验项目,有8个项目试验方法相同,进口生物柴油调合燃料多数质量指标高于或等同于进口柴油,10%蒸余物残炭、倾点和馏程等多数项目的技术要求与检验结果优于进口柴油对应项目,特别是硫的质量分数为不大于0.001 0%,检验结果仅为0.000 2%~0.000 6%,比进口柴油中硫的质量分数0.42%~0.48%小许多倍,满足欧Ⅳ、欧Ⅴ指标的要求。生物柴油调合燃料的进口为改善柴油质量、减少发动机部件腐蚀、降污减排创造了条件,在应用上也优于进口柴油的性能。
关键词:  生物柴油调和燃料  柴油  质量
A comparative study on the quality of import biodiesel blend fuel and import diesel
Mu Mingren1, Zhao Xuerong1, Zhang Daihua2, Hu Xiaojing1, Dong Weifeng1, Li Li1, Zhang Lixia3
(1. Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Dalian 116001, China;2. Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Beijing 100123, China;3. PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company, Dalian 116032, China)
Based on comparison analysis,import biodiesel blend fuel and import diesel had 12 same inspection items, in which 8 inspection items had the same test methods. Most of quality indices of import biodiesel blend fuel were higher or equal to those of import diesel. Technical requirements and inspection results of most items such as 10% evaporation residue carbon pour point and distillation were better than proper items of import diesel. Particularly, for sulfur content, quality index of import biodiesel blend fuel was no more than 0.001 0% (mass fraction), while the inspection result was only 0.000 2% (mass fraction)-0.000 6% (mass fraction), which was much lower than that of import diesel of 0.42% (mass fraction)-0.48% (mass fraction), meeting the requirements of Euro IV and Euro V indices. The import of biodiesel blend fuel creates conditions for improvement of diesel quality, reduction of erosion of engine parts, reduction of pollution emissions, and has better application performance than import diesel.
Key words:  biodiesel blend fuel  diesel  quality