引用本文:武建明,石彦,韩慧玲,王洪忠. 凝胶聚合物调驱一体化技术在沙南油田的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(1): 79-82.
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沙南油田具有高温高矿化度、低渗水敏的地质特征。近年来,水驱动用程度逐年递减,稳产形势较为严峻。为改善这一状况,在沙南油田沙丘5井区开展了凝胶聚合物调驱一体化先导性试验。先用耐温耐盐凝胶复合有机颗粒调剖剂对水井进行充分调剖,再注入0.3%(w)的驱油剂进行驱油。实施结果表明,取得了较好的增油降水效果。试验14井次中有效12井次,有效率85.7%,累计增油3 069.6 t;与非实验区相比,实验区的水平综合递减明显减小。调驱结合的方式对控制递减起到了明显的作用。
关键词:  低渗  凝胶聚合物  调驱  采收率  沙南油田
Research and application of gel polymer profile control and flooding technology in Shanan oil field
Wu Jianming, Shi Yan, Han Huiling, Wang Hongzhong
(Zhundong Production Plant of Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang 831511, China)
Shanan oil field has the geological characteristics of high temperature, high salinity, low permeability and water sensitivity. In recent years, the production situation is more serious with the degree of water drive decreasing year by year. To improve this situation, the pilot test of gel polymer profile control and flooding technology was carried out in Shaqiu 5 wellblock of Shanan oil field. At first, the water well was made a full profile control with composite organic gel particles profile control agent with a tolerance of temperature and salt, and then oil displacement agent of 0.3% was injected for displacing oil. The Application result showed that this technology has the good effect in enhancing production of oil and precipitation with efficiency of 85.7% for 12 wells among tested 14 well times, and total oil increment was 3 069.6 t. Compared with non experimental area, the level of oil decline in experimental area decreased significantly. The way of profile control and flooding played an obvious role in controlling production of oil.
Key words:  low permeability  gel polymer  profile control and flooding  EOR  Shanan oil field