引用本文:江亚伦,王洋,朱宏扬,杨玉川. 低温加氢催化剂CT6-11在镇海炼化的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(2): 43-47.
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介绍了镇海炼化公司7×104 t/a硫磺回收及尾气处理装置运行情况和CT6-11低温尾气加氢催化剂在装置上的运行情况。通过近期运行实践表明,低温尾气加氢催化剂CT6-11具有良好的低温水解性能,SO2加氢转化率达到100%,COS水解率超过99%。在引入S-zorb再生烟气进入尾气加氢装置后,装置运行平稳,各项操作参数正常,催化剂保持较高活性,处理S-zorb再生烟气后的装置烟气SO2排放浓度远低于国家环保标准960 mg/m3。
关键词:  硫磺回收  CT6-11催化剂  尾气加氢  低温  S-zorb 
Application of low temperature hydrogenation catalyst CT6-11 in Zhenhai refinery
Jiang Yalun1, Wang Yang1, Zhu Hongyang2, Yang Yuchuan2
(1. Refining Second Unit, Sinopec Zhenhai Refinery & Chemical Co., Ltd, Ningbo 315207, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China)
This paper introduces the operation status of 70×103 t/a sulfur recovery and tail gas treating unit and low temperature hydrogenation catalyst CT6-11 in Zhenhai Refinery. The running result in recent months shows that CT6-11 has a good low temperature hydrolysis performance. Hydrogenation conversion of SO2 can reach 100%, and COS hydrolysis rate is over 99%. After S-zorb regenerated flue gas is introduced into the tail gas hydrogenation unit, the unit runs smoothly, the operating parameters are normal, the catalyst keeps high activity, and the emission concentration of sulfur dioxide after treating S-zorb regenerated flue gas is far lower than the national environmental protection standard of 960 mg/m3.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  CT6-11 catalyst  tail gas hydrogenation  low temperature  S-zorb