引用本文:熊思,陈家庆,石熠,沈玮玮. 天然气脱水脱烃用SM系列分离器的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 6-13.
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Shell石油公司研发的SM系列分离器是一种高效的脱水、脱烃设备,对其发展历程、结构组成和工作原理进行了系统的总结,结果表明,采用重力分离与高效内构件相结合的SM系列分离器具有分离效率高、构件模块化等优点,适用于天然气脱水、脱烃装置。针对SM系列分离器开展的气-液分离应用基础研究,有助于了解其内构件工作情况及分离器内液滴平均尺寸分布情况,可为分离器内构件的结构优化设计和分离器性能的进一步提升提供参考。 
关键词:  天然气  脱水  脱烃  气-液分离器  SM系列分离器 
Research and application of SM-series separators for natural gas dehydration and dehydrocarbon
Xiong Si, Chen Jiaqing, Shi Yi, Shen Weiwei
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China)
The SM-series separator researched by Shell Oil Company is a kind of effective equipment for natural gas dehydration and dehydrocarbon process. This paper systematically summarized development, structure and working principle of the SM-series separator. The results indicated that the SM-series separators combining gravitational separation with high-efficiency component parts have the advantages of high separation efficiency and modular components. Therefore, it is suitable for natural gas dehydration and dehydrocarbon unit. Moreover, aiming at the development of SM-series separator, the theoretical research of gas-liquid separation can contribute to obtain the working situations of some component parts and discovery the distribution of average droplet size in gas-liquid separators, which can provide references for optimization design of component parts and performance improvements of the separator.
Key words:  natural gas  dehydration  dehydrocarbon  gas-liquid separator  SM series separator