引用本文:迟明浩,李春虎,张祥坤,薛真,石会龙,杨微微,等. 空间位阻胺TBEE对天然气中酸气吸收的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 14-18.
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在低碳硫比的条件下(H2S体积分数3.0%,CO2体积分数5.0%),考察了温度与胺液体积分数对吸收效果的影响,结果表明,反应温度40 ℃、胺液体积分数35%~45%为最佳反应条件。对比了MDEA与TBEE对模拟天然气中H2S和CO2的脱除性和选择性,并研究了MDEA与TBEE复配形成的混合溶液对酸气的吸收情况,实验结果显示,TBEE的选择性大于MDEA的选择性,且TBEE对CO2和H2S的吸收效果明显优于MDEA,随着空间位阻胺TBEE在溶液中所占比例的增加,选择性和碳硫容逐渐增加。复合溶液能耗低于MDEA溶液。 
关键词:  天然气  TBEE  MDEA  脱硫脱碳  选择性  空间位阻胺 
Absorption study of acid gas in nature gas by sterically hindered amine TBEE
Chi Minghao, Li Chunhu, Zhang Xiangkun, Xue Zhen, Shi Huilong, Yang Weiwei, Wang Liang
(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China)
The influence of temperature and volume fraction of amine solution on the absorption effect under the condition of low carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide ratio (3% H2S, 5% CO2, volume fraction) was studied. The optimum reaction conditions were determined as follows:reaction temperature is 40 ℃, and the volume fraction of amine solution is 35%-45%. The H2S, CO2 removal performance and selectivity of MDEA and TBEE were contrasted, and the absorption of acid gas by using mixed solution of MDEA and TBEE was studied. The results showed that the removal performance and selectivity of TBEE is significantly better than that of MDEA. With the increasing TBEE proportion in the mixed solution, the selectivity and acid gas load increased gradually. In addition, the energy consumption of mixed solution is less than MDEA.
Key words:  natural gas  TBEE  MDEA  desulphurization and decarbonization  selectivity  sterically hindered amine