引用本文:孟毅明,王东军,陈博. 天然气液化混合冷剂配方优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 65-69.
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1. 中国石油大学(北京);2. 中国石油天然气管道局天津设计院
混合冷剂制冷是目前天然气低温液化的重要手段,由于操作工况复杂、冷剂介质多相共存,制冷剂的选择及配方优化已成为天然气混合冷剂液化技术面临的主要问题。本文采用均匀设计实验方法对混合冷剂配方进行研究,首先依据不同制冷剂组分在不同温区制冷的原理,初步选定基本冷剂组分;然后通过HYSYS模拟不同组成混合冷剂的制冷效果,通过实验结果分析混合冷剂中各组分的作用;在保持操作压力及处理量不变的条件下,以冷剂的最小循环量为目标参数进行优化分析,最终形成混合冷剂优化配方,从而避免了采用复杂原理探讨和试算的传统方法。 
关键词:  天然气液化  混合冷剂  流程模拟  配方  均匀设计  优化 
Study on mixed refrigerant formulation optimization for natural gas liquefaction
Meng Yiming1, Wang Dongjun2, Chen Bo2
(1. China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing 102249, China;2. China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau Tianjin Design Institute, Tianjin 120107, China)
Mixed refrigerant method is an important means to liquefy natural gas at low temperature. Due to the complex operating condition and cooling medium multiphase coexistence,selection and formulation optimization of mixed refrigerant become the major challenge for the natural gas liquefaction technique. This article used uniform design experiments to study mixed refrigerant formulation. That is, preliminarily select the basic components by the principle that different refrigerant has an effect in its particular refrigerating range; then simulate the refrigerating effect of different components by using process simulation software ASPEN HYSYS, and analyze the function of each component with less experiments; under the constant pressure and treatment capacity, taking the minimum circulation quantity of mixed refrigerant as target parameter to make optimal analysis, finally obtain the optimization formulation of mixed refrigerant, which avoid adopting the conventional approach with complex principle analysis and trial calculation.
Key words:  natural gas liquefaction  mixed refrigerant  process simulation  formulation  uniform design  optimization