引用本文:曾文平,罗勤. 天然气气质检测方法国内外标准异同点分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 104-108, 112.
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随着我国进口天然气贸易量的快速增长和进口气源地的不断增多,对国内外天然气检测标准进行对标分析具有迫切的需要。介绍了国内外主要天然气气质检测方法标准的异同点,包括天然气取样、组成分析、物性参数计算、水含量/水露点、烃露点测定、硫化物含量分析等项目,从适用范围、测定原理和方法、数据处理和分析结果精密度要求等内容进行对标分析。其结论可为天然气贸易谈判在选择天然气气质检测方法标准时提供技术支撑。 
关键词:  天然气  检测方法  标准  异同点  比较分析 
Analysis of the similarities and differences of domestic and foreign standards for natural gas quality test method
Zeng Wenping1,2, Luo Qin1,2
(1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China;2.Natural Gas Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Petroleum Industry, Chengdu 610213, China)
With the rapid growth of China's natural gas import trade volume and increasing of import source in China, it is in urgent need of comparative analysis for domestic and foreign natural gas test standards. This paper mainly introduced the similarities and differences of domestc and foreign standards for natural gas quality test method , including gas sampling, composition analysis, calculation of physical parameters, water content/water dew point determination, hydrocarbon dew point determination, sulfide content analysis, etc. The test standards were comparatively analyzed from the following aspects:scope, method and principle, data processing and precision requirement of analysis results. The conclusion could provide technical support for the negotiations in the selection of the test standards for natural gas quality.
Key words:  natural gas  test method  standard  similarities and differences  comparative analysis