引用本文:田家林,付传红,杨琳,刘正连,龙小康,方剑. 处理空气钻井地层出水新技术与试验分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(3): 113-117.
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针对泡沫剂不能很好地处理空气钻井地层出水的问题,提出了一种处理地层出水的固相携水剂携水新技术,并且主要对固相携水技术的携水性能、携水速率、黏附性能以及压力对吸水性能的影响展开了研究。结合固相携水技术的主要研究内容,进行了系统的现场试验测试。测试结果表明,与传统泡沫相比,该技术具有携水速度快、携水量大、不影响正常钻进、不憋压等特点。该方法对于降低钻井成本,提高钻井速度具有重要意义。同时,也验证了该技术的可靠性、可行性。 
关键词:  空气钻井  地层出水  固相携水剂  携水性能  试验分析 
A novel technology and experimental analysis of formation water in air drilling
Tian Jialin1,2, Fu Chuanhong1, Yang Lin1, Liu Zhenglian3, Long Xiaokang4, Fang Jian4
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2.School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China;3. CCDC Drilling & Production dngineering Technology Research Institute, Guanghan 618300, China;4. PetroChina Southwest Oil & gasfield Company, Chengdu 610501, China)
Aiming at the poor water-carrying capacity of foam in air drilling, this paper proposed a novel technology based on a solid phase water carrying agent. Studies were also carried out to analyze the carrying capacity, carrying rate, and adhesion properties of the solid phase water-carrying technology as well as the influence of the pressure on the adsorption capabilities of water. Furthermore, field test was conducted based on the main contents of the solid phase water-carrying technology studies. Results showed that when compared with the traditional foam, this technology has the characteristics of high water-carrying rate and capacity.It wouldn't affect the normal drilling and does not hold pressure, etc. This technology has important significance to reduce the drilling cost and improve the drilling speed. At the same time, it also verifies the reliability and feasibility of the technology.
Key words:  air drilling  formation water  solid phase water-carrying agent  water-carrying performance  test analysis