引用本文:黄思宇,蒋洪,巴玺立,刘武,朱聪,刘洋. 英买天然气处理装置提高丙烷收率工艺改进研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 1-7.
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1.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院;2.中国石油规划总院 ;3.中国石油塔里木油田分公司;4.西南石油大学机电工程学院 ;5.中国航空油料西藏有限责任公司
英买天然气处理装置采用分子筛脱水及J-T阀节流制冷的低温分离工艺,以控制外输天然气烃、水露点为目标,附带回收少量液烃。目前,装置丙烷收率仅22.64%。为了提高气田开发的经济效益,分析了装置丙烷收率低的原因,提出以回收丙烷为目标的工艺改进方案。通过工艺比选发现,SCORE工艺丙烷收率高、能耗低,是最适合英买天然气处理装置的丙烷回收工艺。对装置的脱乙烷塔压力进行优化,当压力为3 900 kPa时,装置收益较高,脱乙烷塔操作稳定性较好。工艺改进后,产品质量合格,装置丙烷收率提高至97.54%,装置收益提高了66.31%,经济效益明显提升。对英买天然气处理装置的工艺改进研究表明,与其他丙烷回收工艺相比,SCORE工艺的脱烃单元和脱乙烷塔之间的冷量集成更合理,在较高的脱乙烷塔压力下仍具有很高的丙烷收率,对于外输压力较高的丙烷回收装置,采用SCORE工艺可降低外输气压缩功耗,流程简单,节能高效。 
关键词:  英买  高压凝析气田  分子筛脱水  天然气处理  丙烷回收  SCORE工艺 
Process improvement research on enhancing propane recovery in Yingmai natural gas processing device
Huang Siyu1, Jiang Hong1, Ba Xili2, Liu Wu3, Zhu Cong4, Liu Yang5
(1.College of Oil and Natural Gas Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. Chinese Petroleum Planning and Engineering Institute, Beijing 100083, China;3. Chinese Petroleum Tarim Oilfield Company, Kuerle 841000, China;4. College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;5. Chinese Aviation Oil Tibet Limited Liability Company, Lhasa 850000, China)
The cryogenic separation process by molecular sieve dehydration and J-T valve throttling refrigeration were used in Yingmai natural gas processing device to control the hydrocarbon and water dew point of the output natural gas and recover a small amount of light hydrocarbon. At present, the propane recovery of the device is only 22.64%. To improve the economic benefit of gas field development, the process improvement plan of the device aiming at propane recovery has being put forward after analyzing the existing problems. Compared with other propane recovery process, SCORE process has high propane recovery rate and low energy consumption, which is most suitable for the Yingmai natural gas processing device. After optimizing the deethanizer pressure, it was found that when the deethanizer pressure was 3 900 kPa, the device had higher income and the deethanizer had good operational stability. After the process improvement, the quality of the products met the requirements. The propane recovery rate of the device increased to 97.54% and the income of the device increased by 66.31%. Process improvement research of Yingmai natural gas processing device indicate that compared with other propane recovery process, SCORE process has more reasonable cold integration between de-hydrocarbon unit and deethanizer. SCORE process also has a high rate of propane recovery when deethanizer pressure is high,and it can decrease the compression power of the output gas for the propane recovery process which has high output pressure, as well as simplify the flow, save the energy and improve the efficiency.
Key words:  Yingmai  high pressure condensate gas field  molecular sieve dehydration  natural gas process  propane recovery  SCORE process