引用本文:刘勇,张万全,李峰,袁侃,姚孙坤. 炼油厂硫磺回收联合装置SO2达标排放对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 8-13.
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针对某炼油厂硫磺回收联合装置排放尾气中SO2达标问题,分别从工艺及系统设计、装置设计、设备设施、操作等多方面进行了技术调查。分析结果表明,影响该装置 排放尾气中SO2达标的直接原因为富胺液带油、带轻烃。进一步研究发现,造成系统带油、带轻烃的原因包括:气液分离设备偏小、贫胺液温度偏低、上游加氢脱硫装置循环油气温度偏高、上游加氢装置、富胺液再生装置的撇油设计不合理、胺液再生装置富胺液闪蒸罐火炬气排放设计流量不够等。针对上述问题,分别从系统及工艺流程设计、工艺指标、操作、设备改造等多方面提出了整改措施。 
关键词:  排放  SO2  调查  分析  硫磺回收  炼油厂 
Countermeasures of SO2 up-to-standard emission of the sulfur recovery unit in a refinery
Liu Yong1, Zhang Wanquan1, Li Feng1, Yuan Kan1, Yao Sunkun2
(1. PertoChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Ltd., Chengdu 611930, China;2. Sichuan Tianyi Science and Technology Company, Chengdu 610225, China)
A technical investigation, including process and system design, equipments and facilities, and operations etc., was carried out in a refinery to find the reasons of SO2 emission in the tail gas beyond the standard. The results showed that the direct reason was oil and light hydrocarbon carrying with rich amine solution. Further, investigation and analysis indicated that a series of reasons resulted in the oil and light hydrocarbon carrying with rich amine solution. The reasons included small size of gas-liquid separator, lower temperature of lean amine solution, higher temperature of recycle hydrocarbon gas in up-stream units, faulting design of oil skimming in amine flash drum of up-stream units, and insufficient design flow rate of the torch gas from rich amine flash drum. To solve the above problems, some corresponding solutions were put forward including the design of system and process flow design, process indexes, operation, and equipment modification.
Key words:  emission  sulfur dioxide  investigation  analysis  sulfur recovery  refinery