引用本文:孙守华. 纤维膜脱硫组合技术在液化石油气脱硫脱硫醇中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 19-23.
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介绍了纤维膜脱硫组合技术在某石化公司液化石油气脱硫脱硫醇装置上的工业应用情况。结果 表明,纤维膜脱硫组合技术具有适用性强、开工过程简单等优点。脱硫脱硫醇后催化裂化装置液化石油气中总硫质量浓度降至16.3 ~16.8 mg/m3,铜片腐蚀等级为1a,延迟焦化装置液化石油气中总硫质量浓度降至50.8~77.8 mg/m3,铜片腐蚀等级为1a,均满足产品质量要求。经过水洗后,两装置循环碱性洗水中硫化物质量浓度分别为17.91 mg/L和73.83 mg/L,回收大量副产物二硫化物;废碱液经过碱液再生后,碱液质量分数均大于15%,满足纤维膜脱硫醇的需要。碱渣经过湿法氧化处理后,满足排放标准。 
关键词:  纤维膜  液化石油气  脱硫  脱硫醇  应用 
Application of the fiber film desulfurization combination technology in removing sulfide and mercaptan from liquefied petroleum gas
Sun Shouhua
(Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd, Quanzhou 362103, China)
The industrial application of the fiber film desulfurization combination technology in liquefied petroleum gas sweetening unit in a petrochemical company was introduced. The result indicated that the fiber film desulfurization combination technology had the advantages of great applicable activity and simple starting-up. The total sulfur content in liquefied petroleum gas in fluid catalytic cracking unit may reduce to 16.3-16.8 mg/m3 after sweetening; and the corrosion grade of copper sheet was 1a. The total sulfur concentration of liquefied petroleum gas in delayed coking unit may reduce to 50.8-77.8 mg/m3, and the corrosion grade of copper sheet was 1a, meeting the product quality requirement. After water washing, the sulfide concentrations in alkaline washing water of two sets of units were 17.91 mg/L and 73.83 mg/L, respectively, recovering the disulfides as by-products. The mass fraction of regenerated lye was above 15%, meeting the sweetening requirment of fiber film. The alkaline sludge could meet the discharge requirements after treated by wet oxidation.
Key words:  fiber film  liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)  desulfurization  mercaptan removal  application