引用本文:王会强. 四川石化100 kt/a硫磺回收及尾气处理装置运行总结[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 33-38.
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四川石化100 kt/a硫磺回收及尾气处理装置运行总结
介绍了中国石油四川石化100 kt/a硫磺回收装置的原理、工艺流程、装置特点、开工过程中遇到的问题和采取的措施,以及装置使用的CT系列催化剂特点、装填和投用情况等。硫磺回收装置经过1年的运转,排放尾气中SO2质量浓度小于400 mg/m3,远低于GB 16297-1996《大气污染物综合排放标准》中规定的960 mg/m3, 同时满足GB 31570-2015《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》中规定的400 mg/m3的要求, 取得了良好的经济和环保效益。 
关键词:  四川石化  硫磺回收  催化剂  达标排放 
Operation summary of Sichuan Petrochemical 100×103 t/a sulfur recovery and tail gas treatment device
Wang Huiqiang
(PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu 611930, China)
This paper introduced the principle, process, characteristics, problems occurring during the startup stage and countermeasures of the 100×103 t/a sulfur recovery unit of PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company. It also introduced the characteristics, loading and application of CT series catalyst. One year’s operating experiences indicated that the mass concentration of SO2 in exhaust gas is less than 400 mg/m3, which is far lower than 960 mg/m3 specified by the national standard GB 16297-1996 Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants, and meet the requirements of the national standand GB 31570-2015 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Refining Industry.
Key words:  Sichuan Petrochemical  sulfur recovery  catalyst  meet the emission standard