引用本文:张祥光,苏海平,林亮,黄燕,李艳芳. 脱硫脱碳装置卧式热虹吸式重沸器出口管线安装高度计算[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 28-32.
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在重沸器安装设计过程中应进行壳侧压力平衡计算,以确定塔和重沸器之间的标高差和各项安装尺寸,保证重沸器操作的正常循环。通过对脱硫脱碳装置再生塔与卧式热虹吸式重沸器之间循环系统的分析,可简化为推动力和阻力两部分进行计算,利用虹吸压力平衡原理得出需要的安装高度。计算过程中,局部阻力可通过当量长度转换为直管阻力,计算参数可利用Unisim等模拟软件读取,进出口管径可参考SY/T 0011-2007《天然气净化厂设计规范》以及M.W.Kel-logg公司提供的经验公式来进行确定。通过设计实例计算和工程实例核算,验证了计算方法的合理性,具有实际应用的意义。
关键词:  脱硫  脱碳  卧式热虹吸  重沸器  安装高度 
Installation height calculation for outlet pipeline of horizontal thermosiphon reboiler of desulfurization and decarbonization device
Zhang Xiangguang1, Su Haiping1, Lin Liang1, Huang Yan2, Li Yanfang1
(1. Xi’an Changqing Technology Engineering Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710018, China;2. Oil Production Plant No.1 of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company,Yanan 716000, China)
The shell side pressure balance calculation should be conducted in the installed designing process of the reboiler to determine the elevation difference and the installation dimensions between the tower and reboiler, and ensure the normal operation circulation of the reboiler. By analyzing the circulation system between the desulfurization and decarburization device regenerator and horizontal thermosyphon reboiler, it can be simplified as two parts of impetus and resistance calculation. Required installation height can be calculated using the principle of siphon pressure balance. In the process of calculation, the local resistance can be converted by the equivalent length of straight pipe resistance, and the calculate parameters can be read from simulation software such as Unisim. The pipe diameter of import and export may refer to SY/T 0011-2007 Code for Design of Natural Gas Conditioning Plant and are determined from the experience formulas provided by M.W.Kel-logg Company. Through the design calculation example and engineering example accounting, the reasonableness of the calculation method is verified, which has practical significance.
Key words:  desulfurization  decarbonization  horizontal thermosiphon  reboiler  installation height