引用本文:邢金朵,赵东风,韩丰磊,陈晓玮. 基于HAZOP与AEMA的输气站场风险评估[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 114-118.
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为全面地评估输气站场安全状况,综合运用化工行业常用的危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP)和针对人因、管理因素分析的行为失效模式分析(AMEA)确定输气站场风险影响因子,将各因子整合得到输气站场4个一级风险评价指标和对应的17个二级风险评价指标。根据输气站场特点确立输气站场风险影响因子关系矩阵,不仅考虑单个因素对输气站场安全运营的影响,同时还分析输气站场多因素耦合作用结果。采用该方法,针对风险程度较高的具有代表性的调压单元进行多因素耦合分析,计算得到选用示例调压单元为强风险单元,给出该单元风险因子权重排序。研究表明,该风险评估方法对输气站场安全管理具有借鉴意义。 
关键词:  输气站场  HAZOP  AMEA  多因素耦合  调压单元  风险评估 
Risk evaluation of gas transmission station based on HAZOP and AEMA
Xing Jinduo1,2,Zhao Dongfeng1,2,Han Fenglei1,2, Chen Xiaowei1,2
(1. Environment and Safety Technology Center of China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China;2. Petroleum & Natural Gas Safety Production Engineering Technology Research Center of State Administration of Work Safety, Qingdao 266580, China)
Aiming at comprehensively and objectively analyzing the safety of gas transmission stations, this paper proposed a novel method by combining HAZOP which is frequently used in chemical industry and AMEA which is mainly for human and management factors analysis. 4 first-grade assessment indicators and 17 second-grade assessment indicators were recognized after integrating all factors. The risk interaction matrix was subsequently established based on the characteristics of the gas transmission station. This matrix not only considered the impact of a single factor on the operation safety, but also analyzed the results from coupling actions by multiple factors. Finally, a case study with this method was conducted on the pressure-regulating unit of a gas transmission station, indicating that the unit was high risk. Quantitative information such as the risk value and the weight sorting of the risk factors were also concluded from the analysis. The studies showed that this risk assessment method has practical significance to safety management of gas station.
Key words:  gas transmission station  HAZOP  AEMA  multi-factor  pressure-regulating unit  risk evaluation