引用本文:赵煜晖,乔蓓,徐俊,何怡. 基于鱼骨图分析的城市燃气运营风险要因剖析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(4): 119-124.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司;2.中国石油西南油气田公司安全环保与技术监督研究院 ;3.重庆燃气集团
关键词:  城市燃气  运营风险  鱼骨图分析法  风险识别  运营安全  头脑风暴  管材及施工质量  第三方破坏 
Analysis of operational risk of urban gas based on fishbone diagram analysis
Zhao Yuhui1, Qiao Bei2, Xu Jun2, He Yi3
(1. PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610051,China;2. Institute of Safety, Environmental and Technical Supervision of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610041,China;3. Chongqing Gas Group, Chongqing 400700, China )
Based on data of accident case of the urban gas operations, safety inspection result and accident statistical analysis, a variety of possible risk factors are identified in the process of city gas operation. And using the risk analysis method based on a fishbone diagram, 11 important risk factors of city gas safety operation are obtained, such as low pipe and construction quality, the third party damage, loss of pipe network data, loss of geographic information of underground pipe network, not preventive upgrading, lack of safety knowledge for users and also lack of safety awareness to employees, no odorization, planning backward, and lack of enforcement, etc. Some advices are put forward to prevent risks.
Key words:  city gas  operational risk  fishbone diagram analysis  risk identification  operational safety  brain storming  pipe and construction quality  third party damage