引用本文:姚广聚,陈海龙,赵凯,彭红利. 国产MCS络合铁脱硫工艺在川西海相含硫气田的应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(5): 7-11.
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川西海相气藏目前处于勘探开发评价阶段,所开采的天然气中H2S摩尔分数为0.7%~5%,需进行单井脱硫试采并开展气藏评价。针对该气藏第一口试采井CK1井MCS国产络合铁脱硫工艺进行了跟踪分析,对现场的环保及硫堵问题进行了脱硫工艺的调整和优化,提出工艺推广建议,计算了装置的运行能耗及运行成本。目前,该井MCS络合铁脱硫装置年操作时间超过8 000 h,日生产硫膏4 t,累计生产天然气8 500×104 m3,与工艺优化前相比,天然气年产量提高约625×104 m3,保证了该井的顺利试采和川西海相气藏的有效评价,可为同类含硫气井试采提供参考。 
关键词:  川西海相气藏  CK1井  含硫天然气  络合铁脱硫工艺 
Applied research on domestic MCS chelated iron desulfurization process in Western Sichuan marine sour gas reservoir
Yao Guangju1, Chen Hailong1, Zhao Kai2, Peng Hongli1
(1. Engineering Technology Research Institute, Sinopec Southwest Branch, Deyang 618000, China;2. West Sichuan Gas Production Plant, Sinopec Southwest Branch, Deyang 618000, China)
Western Sichuan marine gas reservoir is in the exploration and development evaluation stage at present. The natural gas contains 0.7%-5% hydrogen sulfide, which needs the single well desulfurization test mining and gas reservoir evaluation. The tracking analysis of the first oral production well (Chuanke 1) using MCS domestic chelated iron desulfurization process was carried out. Aiming at the environmental protection and sulfur plugging problems, the desulfurization process was adjusted and optimized, the suggestions for process popularizing were put forward, and the operating energy consumption and costs were calculated. Currently the operating time of MCS chelated iron desulfurization unit is over 8 000 h per year, sulfur ointment production is 4 t/d, and the cumulative production of natural gas is 85×106 m3, which increase about 6.25×106 m3 per year compared with the annual output of natural gas before optimization. It ensures the successfully test mining of the well and the effective evaluation of Western Sichuan marine gas reservoir, which can provide references for the production test of similar sour gas well.
Key words:  Western Sichuan marine gas reservoir  CK1 well  sour natural gas  chelated iron desulfurization process