引用本文:赖宁,李彦平,蔚永清. 硫磺回收装置液硫系统堵塞原因及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(5): 12-16.
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神华宁夏煤业集团煤炭化学工业分公司烯烃公司26 kt/a硫磺回收装置运行5年多来,液硫系统堵塞现象日益严重。借鉴了炼厂、天然气脱硫、煤化工硫磺回收装置类似问题的处理方法,从酸气组分、操作中存在的问题、工艺设计中存在的缺陷等方面分析原因,通过采取新增1台热再生塔冷却器、1台罗茨鼓风机、停车时将扫硫时间由2天延长至3天、扫硫时将炉膛温度提高至1 060 ℃、对硫磺泵新增回流管线等措施,有效地解决了液硫系统堵塞的问题,保证了装置的长周期安稳运行。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  堵塞  酸气  液硫系统 
Causes and countermeasures of liquid sulfur system blockage in sulfur recovery unit
Lai Ning, Li Yanping, Yu Yongqing
(Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 750411, China)
The 26 kt/a sulfur recovery unit of Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group Coal Chemical Industry Branch Olefins Company has been put into use for more than five years, the liquid sulfur system-clogging problem has become more and more serious. The ways to deal with similar problems from the sulfur recovery unit of refinery, natural gas desulfurization plant and coal chemical industry were referenced. Reasons were analyzed from the aspects of the acid gas components, the problems existing in the operation and the process design faults. The following measures were taken to solve the problems:adding a heat regenerator cooler and a roots blower; prolonging the sweep time of sulfur from 2 days to 3 days when shut down; increasing the furnace temperature up to 1 060 ℃ when purging of sulfur; increasing the return line for the sulfur pump. These measures could solve the blocking problem of liquid sulfur system, which ensured the long-term safe and smooth operation of the unit.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  block  acid gas  liquid sulfur system