引用本文:王尔珍,江伟平,范远,韩福庆,杨银银. 长庆油田第四天然气净化厂450×104 m3/d净化装置运行评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(5): 21-27.
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长庆油田第四天然气净化厂450×104 m3/d净化装置运行评价
中国石油长庆油田分公司第四天然气净化厂天然气净化装置是长庆设计院自主设计的首套450×104 m3/d天然气净化装置,自2013年11月进气投产,两套450×104 m3/d主体净化装置已安全平稳运行至今,总体达到工程项目的设计要求。通过运行过程中不断地总结经验、优化参数,净化装置整体运行平稳,关键参数控制在设计指标范围内。总结了该装置1年多的运行情况,针对装置从投运到进气生产中存在的问题提出对策,并给出下一步的改进建议。 
关键词:  天然气  净化  脱硫  脱碳  脱水 
Operation evaluation of 4.5×106 m3/d purification unit in the fourth natural gas purification plant of Changqing Oilfield
Wang Erzhen, Jiang Weiping, Fan Yuan, Han Fuqing, Yang Yinyin
(The First Natural Gas Plant, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Jingbian 718500, China)
The fourth natural gas purification plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company is the first set of 4.5×106 m3/d purification unit designed independently by Changqing Design Institute. It was put into production in November 2013, two sets of 4.5×106 m3/d purification unit run smoothly up to now, which have reached the design requirements of the project in general. Through summing up experience and optimizing operational parameters in running process, the purification unit operated smoothly and well, and the key parameters were all controlled within the range of design index. This article summarized the operating condition of the fourth purification plant in the past year, put forward some countermeasures for solving existing problems of the unit, and also provided the improvement suggestions.
Key words:  natural gas  purification  desulfurization  decarbonization  dehydration