引用本文:丁玲,蒋洪. 煤层气三甘醇脱水优化设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(5): 28-33.
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目前,我国煤层气脱水工艺主要参照低压气田脱水处理方法,存在工程投资大、工艺能耗高等问题。煤层气低产的开采特点决定了煤层气集输处理工艺的重点在于节省投资提高处理工艺的适应性。对现役煤层气脱水工艺存在的问题进行了分析,发现现役工艺主要存在过滤分离器、甘醇泵及缓冲罐使用效果差、贫富甘醇换热效果差等问题。针对工艺流程和工艺设备提出了改进措施,以提高脱水效率,降低工程投资,改善工艺适应性,达到节约能耗的目的。最后以山西沁水煤层气气田的气质为例,使用HYSYS软件分别对传统设计和优化设计进行了模拟比较,模拟结果显示,与传统设计相比,该煤层气三甘醇脱水优化设计可有效降低约65%的综合能耗,具有脱水效率高、适应性强、工程投资和能耗低的特点。 
关键词:  煤层气  三甘醇  脱水  节能降耗 
Optimized design of TEG dehydration from coal bed gas
Ding Ling, Jiang Hong
(Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China)
At present, the method for dehydration of coal bed gas in China mainly refers to the dehydration treatment method for low-pressure gas field, which has the problems of high engineering investment and energy consumption in the process. The low yield of coal bed gas determines that the emphases for gathering and transportation of coal bed gas are saving investment and improving adaptability. By analyzing the problems of existing coal bed gas dehydration process, it was found that the mainly problems were the poor use effect of filter separator, glycol pumps and buffer tank, together with the bad heat transfer effect of the poor and rich glycol heat exchanger. Measures of the process and equipment were put forward to improve the dehydration efficiency, reduce investment, improve technological adaptability, and save energy. Finally, taking the gas of Qinshui Shanxi coal bed gas field as an example, comparing the traditional design with the optimized design by HYSYS software, the simulation results showed that the optimized design could effectively reduce comprehensive energy consumption of about 65% relative to traditional design. Therefore it has high dehydration efficiency, strong adaptability, low investment and low energy consumption.
Key words:  coal bed gas  TEG  dehydration  saving energy and reducing consumption