引用本文:张伟伟,李林. 焦化蜡油预处理及综合利用的技术措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 27-32.
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1. 兰州石化职业技术学院应用化学工程系 ;2. 中国石油兰州石化公司炼油厂
焦化蜡油是延迟焦化工艺过程中产生的一种产品,由于其碱性氮化物、稠环芳烃、胶质含量高,使其加工利用受到限制,需要进行预处理。介绍了焦化蜡油的性质,综述了焦化蜡油预处理及综合利用的技术措施,包括加氢精制、溶剂精制、络合脱氮、氧化处理等预处理方法,经过预处理可作为催化裂化或加氢裂化原料,经溶剂抽提可回收芳烃等,对焦化蜡油的综合利用前景进行了展望。 
关键词:  焦化蜡油  预处理  催化裂化  加氢裂化  碱性氮  综合利用 
Technical measures of pretreatment and comprehensive utilization of coke gas oil
Zhang Weiwei1, Li Lin2
(1. Application of Chemical Engineering Department, Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China;2. Oil Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou 730060, China)
The coke gas oil is a product producing from the delayed coking process. The processing and utilization of coke gas oil was limited and it needed to be preprocessed for high content of basic nitrogen, condensed aromatics and gum. The properties of coke gas oil were introduced, the technical measures of pretreatment and comprehensive utilization of coke gas oil were reviewed, including the pretreatment methods of hydrotreating, solvent refining, complexing denitrogenation and oxidation treatment. After the pretreatment, the coke gas oil can be used as catalytic cracking or hydrocracking feedstock. The aromatic in coke gas oil can be recovered by solvent extraction. The comprehensive utilization prospect of coke gas oil was prospected.
Key words:  coke gas oil  pretreatment  catalytic cracking  hydrocracking  basic nitrogen  comprehensive utilization