引用本文:黄雪松,汪沈阳,郭远明,王树涛,徐国玲,王慧,等. 高含硫气井新型胺类溶硫剂的性能研究:腐蚀性、配伍性和现场应用(下)[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 70-75.
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高含硫天然气集输系统出现硫沉积会引起操作难度加大、系统腐蚀加剧等问题。针对普光气田集输系统的硫沉积问题研发了新型胺类溶硫剂。室内实验已证明,溶硫剂对硫沉积物溶解性能良好。本研究进一步对其腐蚀性、配伍性及对缓蚀剂缓蚀效果的影响进行了系统考察,并进行了现场溶硫剂试验。结果 表明,新型胺类溶硫剂的腐蚀性较小,配伍性良好,对油溶性和水溶性两类缓蚀剂的缓蚀效果没有显著影响,对硫沉积物具有较好的溶解剥离作用,清洗量估算为60%。 
关键词:  普光气田  硫沉积  硫溶剂  性能评价 
Performance Studies on a new sulfur solvent containing amines for high-sulfur gas wells:corrosivity, compatibility and field application (II)
Huang Xuesong1, Wang Shenyang1, Guo Yuanming1, Wang shutao1, Xu Guoling2, Wang Hui2, Zhang Yin2
(1. Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Zhongyuan Oil Field Branch, Puyan 457001, China;2.China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing 102249, China)
Sulfur deposition may cause great difficulties in operation and aggravate corrosion in the high-sulfur gas gathering system. Aimed at the sulfur deposition in the sour gas gathering system of Puguang gas field, a new sulfur solvent of amines has been developed. The good solubility of sulfur solvent has been proved in the laboratory, then the corrosivity, compatibility and the efficiency of corrosion inhibitor have been evaluated. What is more, the field test of sulfur solvent has been studied. Results show that the new sulfur solvent of amines has less corrosivity, good compatibility, has not obviously affected the corrosion effects of oil soluble and water soluble corrosion inhibitor. Field test results show that sulfur solvent could dissolve and strip the sulfur deposit, and the estimated cleaning quantity was 60%.
Key words:  Puguang gas field  sulfur deposition  sulfur solvent  property evaluation