引用本文:武建明,石彦,韩慧玲,褚艳杰,王洪忠,余勇新. 聚合物微球调驱技术在沙南油田的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 82-84, 95.
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沙南油田油藏中部注水压力高,调剖空间小,使用聚合物凝胶调剖后容易使水井注水压力上升过高造成欠注,因此,需要开展新的调剖工艺的研究。根据聚合物微球调驱特性,对聚合物微球膨胀性能、封堵率、耐温抗盐能力等参数进行了研究,在此基础上,在室内模拟沙南油田油藏条件对3种聚合物提高采收率能力等进行了室内评价。优化出了聚合物微球现场应用的工艺参数,编制了现场施工方案。该工艺在沙南油田现场应用16井次,应用结果显示,16口井单井注水压力上升0.5~4.5 MPa。其中,可对比井次13,有效井次11,措施有效率84.6%,起到了较好的稳油控水作用。 
关键词:  聚合物微球  调驱  采收率  沙南油田 
Research and application of profile-control flooding technology by polymer microsphere in Shanan Oilfield
Wu Jianming, Shi Yan, Han Huiling, Chuyanjie, Wang Hongzhong, Yu Yongxin
(Zhundong Oil Production Plant, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang 831511, China)
High water injection pressure exists in the middle of Shanan Oilfield reservoir. The profile control space is little. Water injection pressure rise over after using polymer gel profile control, which caused insufficient water injection. A new study on the profile-control flooding technology is needed in Shanan Oilfield. According to the features of polymeric microsphere profile control technique, parameters were studied, which included polymeric microsphere expansion performance, plugging rate, salt resistance ability. On this basis, the EOR ability increased by three polymers was evaluated by simulating the reservoir condition of Shanan Oilfield. Process parameters were optimized and construction design scheme was drawn up. Field application in Shanan for 16 times indicated that pressure of each well raised 0.5~4.5 MPa, and 11 among 13 wells showed significant flooding effect with efficiency of 84.6%. This technique played a good role in oil stabilization and water control.
Key words:  polymeric microsphere  profile control and flooding  enhanced oil recovery (EOR)