引用本文:何静,王满学,程玉群,周普,范昊坤. 不同助剂对Welan gum压裂液流变性能影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2015, 44(6): 85-88.
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不同助剂对Welan gum压裂液流变性能影响研究
Welan gum(威兰胶)是一种由葡萄糖、甘露糖和葡萄糖醛酸等组成的杂多糖,其溶液具有较好的流变特性。黏土稳定剂、助排剂、杀菌剂、无机盐等助剂是水基冻胶压裂液除主剂以外的重要添加剂,在压裂液的配方中起着不同的作用。根据实验结果,讨论分析了这几种压裂液添加剂对威兰胶压裂液性能影响。结果 表明,采用威兰胶制备的压裂液基本满足压裂液施工对液体各项性能指标要求。威兰胶加量越大,压裂液增黏性越好;威兰胶压裂液加0.5%(w)KCl与不加KCl相比较,压裂液黏度下降40%以上;杀菌剂对威兰胶压裂液黏度影响不大;在压裂液中分别加入0.3%(w)助排剂和COP-1与未加的压裂液比较,170 s-1,剪切60 min后,压裂液黏度降幅分别为41.49%和61.82%。 
关键词:  压裂液  添加剂  Welan gum  流变性能 
Influence of different additives on the rheological properties of Welan gum fracturing fluid
He Jing1, Wang Manxue2, Cheng Yuqun1, Zhou Pu1, Fan Haokun1
(1. Research Institute of Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710075, China;2. College of Chemical Engineering, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China)
Welan gum, which composed of glucose, mannose and glucuronic acid or other components, is a heteropolysaccharide. Its solution has excellent rheological property. Clay stabilizer, clean up agent, fungicide and inorganic salt are important additives to water-based gel fracturing fluid, which play different roles in the formula of fracturing fluid. Based on the experimental results, this paper discussed the impact of these fracturing fluid additives on the performance of Welan gum fracturing fluid. The results show that Welan gum fracturing fluid basically meet the requirements of performance indicators for the fracturing fluid construction. The viscosity of fracturing fluid increased with Welan gum adding amount. In the Welan gum fracturing fluid, compared with adding 0.5% KCl or not, the fracturing fluid viscosity reduced more than 40%. Fungicide with little impact of the viscosity of Welan gum fracturing fluid. In fracturing fluids, compared with adding 0.3% drainage agent and COP-1 or not, the fracturing fluid shear viscosity dropped by 41.49% and 61.82% at 170 s-1 after 60min.
Key words:  fracturing fluid  additives  welan gum  rheological property