引用本文:王治红,张诗悦,高阳. 含空间位阻基团的选择性脱硫剂的合成与表征[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 14-20.
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针对胺法脱硫技术选择性不高、生产运行费用高、易发泡、易降解变质等问题,从分子结构设计入手寻找一种空间位阻胺,解决现有胺法脱硫技术应用于天然气净化的局限性,提高溶剂选择性及脱硫效果,降低溶剂消耗,从而保证生产操作的稳定性。针对1,3-二(二甲基胺)-2-丙醇(简称BDAP)的新型位阻胺进行合成、表征及评价实验,通过开展H2S和CO2的选择性吸收实验,表明此种空间位阻胺的天然气脱硫效果较好,合成路线简单,易于分离,经济环保,具有良好的工业应用价值。 
关键词:  天然气  脱硫  空间位阻胺  BDAP  合成  表征  评价 
Synthesis and characterization of selective desulfurizer with steric hindrance group
Wang Zhihong1, Zhang Shiyue1, Gao Yang2
(1. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. Moxi No.1 Natural Gas Purification Plant, Moxi Development Project Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining 629000, China)
Aiming at the disadvantages of poor selectivity, high production cost and environmental pollution of MDEA, it is necessary to find a kind of steric hindered amine considering the molecular structure. The steric hindered amine should be able to solve the application limitation of the existing amine desulfurization technology in natural gas purification, improve the selectivity and thus enhance the desulfurization effect of the solvent, decrease the solvent consumption, and ensure the stability of production. Based on the novel hindered amine 1,3-two(dimethyl amine)-2-propanol (abbreviated to BDAP) for the synthesis, characterization and evaluation experiment,the results of selectivity absorption experiment showed that this kind of steric hindered amine was more effective in natural gas desulfurization. Moreover, it is simple to synthesize BDAP, easy to be separated and friendly to environment. Therefore, it has good industrial application value.
Key words:  natural gas  desulfurization  steric hindered amine  BDAP  synthesis  characterization  evaluation