引用本文:杨烨,肖传桃,刘彬. 基于灰色系统GM(1,N)模型的脱碳装置效果分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 30-35.
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脱碳系统相对简单,适用于小样本预测。为了研究影响脱碳装置稳定性的因素,验证当前工况下的生产调节方法及参数是否满足生产要求,使脱碳效果达到最佳。结合LNG工厂开工升量、稳产、降产停工3个阶段脱碳装置的运行参数,选用灰色系统GM(1,N)模型进行建模运算。模拟结果直观反应出脱碳系统的运行规律,找到了影响脱碳效果的主观因素。研究表明,吸收塔塔底、塔顶温度是影响脱碳反应的主观因素。装置的生产运行调节参数需定期进行校验调整,才能使脱碳效果达到最佳状态。 
关键词:  脱碳装置  灰色系统  GM(1,N)模型  工艺特点  建模 
Effect analysis of decarburization device based on the grey system GM (1, N) model
Yang Ye1,2, Xiao Chuantao2, Liu Bin2
(1. Hubei Xinjie LNG Project Department, Jianghan Oil Production Factory, Sinopec Jianghan Oilfield Branch Company, Huanggang 438011, China;2. School of Geosciences, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, China)
The decarburization system is relatively simple, which is suitable for small sample prediction. In order to study the factors affecting the stability of decarburization device, verify whether the adjusting method and parameters of production in the current working conditions meeting the production requirement, and make the decarburization effect to be the best. Combined with the operating parameters of decarburization device in LNG plant during three phases of start up-production, stable yield and fall-production of shutdown, the grey system GM (1, N) model was selected to simulate the device. Simulation results directly reflected the operation rule of decarbonization system. The subjective factors of influencing decarburization effect were found. Results showed that the inner environment temperature (bottom and top) of absorber was the subjective factor influencing the decarburization reaction. The production running adjusting parameters of the device need to be checked and adjusted regularly to ensure the best decarburization effect.
Key words:  decarburization device  grey system  GM (1  N) model  process characteristics  modeling