引用本文:李军,王剑锋. LO-CATⅡ硫磺回收反应器锥体堵塞原因分析及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 36-41.
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年10月LO-CATⅡ硫磺回收装置试车成功以来, 实际运行中有时反应生成的硫磺颗粒细小、黏度大,难以聚集成大颗粒,小颗粒硫磺会透过滤布随滤布冲洗水排出,增加污水的处理负荷。检修时发现,反应器锥体存在不同程度的硫磺堆积以及硫磺回收反应器锥体频繁堵塞多次,严重地影响了装置的正常运行。针对LO-CATⅡ硫磺回收装置反应器锥体堵塞原因进行了全面分析,通过调整各化学试剂的添加量及添加速度、改造过滤机、增加冷却器等技改措施,解决了硫磺回收装置反应器锥体硫磺的堵塞问题。 
关键词:  硫磺回收装置  反应器锥体  堵塞  原因分析  对策 
Cone blockage cause analysis and countermeasures of reactor for sulfur recovery unit using LO-CAT Ⅱ process
Li Jun1, Wang Jianfeng2
(1. Refining & Petrochemical Company, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group) Co., Ltd, Yan’an 727406, China;2. Yan’an Petrochemical Plant, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group) Co.,Ltd, Yan’an 727406, China )
LO-CAT Ⅱ sulfur recovery unit commissioned successful in October 2009. During the process of actual operation, the generated sulfur particles had small diameter and high viscosity sometimes, which made it difficult to gather into larger particles. The small sulfur particles could pass through the filter cloth and be discharged with the flushing water of filter cloth, which would increase the burden of sewage treatment. It was found that the vertebral body of the reactor had a different degree of sulfur accumulation during the process of reactor maintenance. The sulfur recovery reactor cone jammed frequently for 20 times, which affected the normal operation of the plant seriously. Aiming at the blocking reasons of reactor cone of LO-CAT Ⅱ sulfur recovery unit, the comprehensive analysis was carried on. By adopting these measures such as adjusting the amount of each chemical reagent and addition speed, filter reconstruction, increasing cooler, the sulfur blockage problem of the reactor cone for sulfur recovery unit was solved.
Key words:  sulfur recovery unit  reactor cone  blocking  reason analysis  countermeasure