引用本文:秦杰,许新乐. 甲醇生产过程的水系统集成与优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 107-111.
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针对青海某甲醇生产企业地处水资源相对匮乏、原水盐含量高地区的实际情况,应用水夹点理论以总盐含量为关键污染物组分。通过分析企业的用水现状、寻找过程用水瓶颈,以用水量最小、排污量最小为目标函数,对甲醇生产过程进行集成优化。优化后的废水直接回用网络的原水节水率达到52.4%,排污量减少14.7 t/h;再生回用网络的原水节水率达到74%,排污量减少19.95 t/h。结果 可为甲醇生产企业节水减排提供理论参考。 
关键词:  甲醇生产  夹点技术  水系统集成  总盐含量  节水减排 
Water systems integration and optimization of methanol production
Qin Jie, Xu Xinle
(School of Chemical Engineering, Qinghai University, Xining 810016, China)
For the actual situation that a methanol enterprise locating in Qinghai where is known for water shortage and high salty raw water, the water pinch theory was applied and the total salt content was selected as the key pollutant. Through analyzing the current water use within the company, the bottlenecks was identified, followed by setting the minimum water consumption and minimum emissions as the objective function to integrate and optimize the methanol production process. After the optimization process, the direct reuse network saved raw water use by 52.4% and reduced the emissions by 14.7 t/h; the reclamation reuse network saved raw water use by 74% and reduced the emissions by 19.95 t/h. The results could serve as theoretical reference for the water conservation and wastewater reduction in methanol enterprises.
Key words:  methanol production  pinch technology  water systems integration  total salt content  water conservation and wastewater reduction