引用本文:唐丽. 新疆克拉玛依油田百重7井区稠油污水处理工艺技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(1): 112-116.
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针对百重7井区稠油污水处理站处理的采出污水具有含油量高、乳化程度高、悬浮物含量高、温度高、污水处理难度大等特点,从工艺流程的选择入手,结合污水水质特点及配套药剂的应用,通过室内实验对适合百重7井区稠油污水的处理工艺流程进行了筛选,最终确定水处理设计工艺为重力除油-混凝沉降-过滤三段式工艺流程。在工艺设计过程中,采用了水位调节器调节出水、微涡旋混合反应、小间距斜板分离、等摩阻穿空管等新工艺。完善了混凝沉降罐的工艺设计,有效地提高了含油污水的净化效率,研发出了国内先进的“稠油污水微涡旋处理技术”,使处理后的净化水达到了注水及回用注汽锅炉水质标准。 
关键词:  污水特点  处理工艺筛选  优化设计  应用效果 
Heavy oil wastewater treatment technology in Baizhong 7 well block of Xinjiang Karamay Oilfield
Tang Li
(Department of Petrochemical Engineering, Karamay Vocational and Technical College, Karamay 834000, China)
The influent at heavy oil wastewater treatment station in Baizhong 7 well block was known with high oil content, high emulsification degree, high TSS, high temperature, and therefore increasing difficulties for treatment. Combining the wastewater characteristics and application of the water treatment chemicals, this study screened the treatment processes in laboratory tests and finally identified the process as follow:gravity driven oil-water separation/coagulating sedimentation/filtration. During the process design, novel techniques such as water-level regulator to adjust the effluent water, micro-vortex mixer, small-spaced inclined plate separator, and constant-friction perforated pipe were applied to improve the coagulating sedimentation tank design and enhance the purification efficiency. In this study, domestic advanced technology, namely “micro-vortex based heavy oil wastewater treatment technology ” were developed to ensure the treated wastewater meeting the injection and boiler make-up requirement.
Key words:  wastewater characteristics  process selection  optimization design  application effect