引用本文:李林,朱玉新,张伟伟,姚伟. 焦化汽柴油加氢装置改航煤加氢装置的技术改造[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(2): 17-22.
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1.中国石油兰州石化公司炼油厂;2.兰州石化职业技术学院应用化学工程系 ;3.中油国际(苏丹)喀土穆炼油有限公司
介绍了某石化公司焦化汽柴油加氢装置改航煤加氢装置的技术改造情况,装置技术改造后的标定结果表明,以FHUDS-2催化剂为加氢精制催化剂,在反应器入口温度257.2 ℃,反应压力3.03 MPa,体积空速1.58 h-1,氢油比208.1的工艺操作条件下,生产的精制航煤满足3号喷气燃料质量标准要求,装置能耗840.90 MJ/t,较设计值低53.99 MJ/t,精制航煤收率达到99.91%,装置运行平稳,技术改造达到了预期的目的。 
关键词:  航煤加氢  技术改造  喷气燃料  操作条件  能耗  收率 
Technical transformation of changing coking gasoline and diesel hydrotreating unit to aviation kerosene hydrotreating unit
Li Lin1, Zhu Yuxin1, Zhang Weiwei2, Yao Wei3
(1. Oil Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou 730060, China;2. Application of Chemical Engineering Department, Lanzhou Petrochemical College of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China;3. CNPC International Khartoum Refinery Co., Ltd, Khartoum 99912, Sudan)
The technical transformation of changing coking gasoline and diesel hydrotreating unit to aviation kerosene hydrotreating unit of a certain petrochemical company was introduced. The calibration results showed that after technical transformation, the refined aviation kerosene met the quality specification of No.3 jet fuel using FHUDS-2 hydrofining catalyst at the process operation conditions of reactor inlet temperature 257.2 ℃, reaction pressure 3.03 MPa, volume space velocity 1.58 h-1,and hydrogen to oil ratio 208.1. The unit energy consumption was 840.90 MJ/t, which was 53.99 MJ less than design value. The yield of refined aviation kerosene reached 99.91%, the unit was stable in operation, and the technical transformation achieved expected purpose.
Key words:  aviation kerosene hydrotreating  technical transformation  jet fuel  operation condition  energy consumption  yield