引用本文:周明,江万雄,陈欣,乔欣,张灵. 一种乳化缓速酸解堵体系研究及室内评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(2): 72-76.
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针对莫里清油田双二段储藏常规酸化液不能到达储层深部问题,优选乳化剂、水相及油相,调节油酸比,研制了一种新型的乳化酸,利用体视显微镜和岩心驱替仪等对其性能进行了评价。结果 表明,乳化酸反应动力学方程为:J =1.370 3×10-6·C1.130 4,从该方程可知,该乳化酸体系具有明显缓速性能。研制的乳化酸表面张力较小,为22.40 mN/m,它的黏度比未乳化土酸略大;乳化酸乳液中绝大部分微粒粒径分布比较均匀,乳液体系较稳定;乳化酸酸化后岩心渗透率约为酸化前的10倍,乳化酸酸化后渗透率比土酸酸化后的渗透率增加了3倍多;残酸的黏度值和表面张力值较低,易于返排。 
关键词:  乳化酸  柴油  复合乳化剂  稳定性  岩心实验  动力学方程 
Investigation and laboratory evaluation of an emulsification retarded acid solution system
Zhou Ming1,2, Jiang Wanxiong1, Chen Xin1, Qiao Xin1, Zhang Ling1
(1. School of Materials Science and Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Reservoir Geology and Development, Chengdu 610500, China)
Aiming at the problem of double secondary reservoir that conventional acidizing fluid could not reach deep reservoir in Moliqing Oilfield, the oil phase, water phase, emulsifier and oil/acid ratio were optimized, then a new kind of emulsified acid was developed. The indoor performances of emulsified acid were evaluated by stereomicroscope and core displacement device etc. Results indicated that the reaction kinetics equation of the emulsion was J =1.370 3×10-6·C1.130 4, which means that the emulsion acid system has obvious retarding performance. The surface tension of emulsified acid was as small as 22.40 mN/m, and its viscosity was a bit bigger than mud acid without emulsification. The vast majority particle size in emulsified acid solution was relatively uniform, and the emulsion system was relatively stable. Core permeability after acidification by emulsified acid was 10 times as before acidification. Core permeability after acidification by emulsified acid was more than 3 times of mud acid. Viscosity value and surface tension value of reacted acid was relatively small, contributing to clean-up.
Key words:  emulsified acid  diesel  compound emulsifier  stability  core experiment  reaction kinetics equation