引用本文:周理,陈赓良,罗勤,郭开华,潘春锋,许文晓. 对ISO/TC 193关于能量计量系列标准及技术发展的认识[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(2): 87-91.
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对ISO/TC 193关于能量计量系列标准及技术发展的认识
1.中山大学工学院;2.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;3.中国石油天然气集团公司天然气质量控制和能量计量重点实验室
ISO 15112只是一项管理标准,故能量计量的实施过程中还需要一系列支撑标准,以解决分析测试方法选择、基准测定仪器建设、标准气混合物制备与应用、溯源准则建立和不确定度评定等问题。我国自发布GB/T 22723以来,开展了大量试验研究与现场测定,取得了一系列成果。但由于很多重要标准迄今尚未转化并贯彻,严重影响了实施能量计量有关的若干基础研究与技术开发工作的完成。从国外先进标准推动科技有形化的角度考虑,建议有关方面对以下3个方面的工作给予充分重视:①抓紧参比热量计的建设;②加快适用于能量计量的高准确度多元RGM的研制;③加快若干有关天然气分析溯源性与不确定度评定的ISO标准及其他有关国外先进标准的转化。 
关键词:  天然气能量计量  天然气分析溯源性  发热量测定  热量计 
Understanding of ISO/TC 193 on the energy measurement standards and technical development
Zhou Li1,2,3, Chen Gengliang2, Luo Qin2,3, Guo Kaihua1, Pan Chunfeng2,3, Xu Wenxiao2,3
(1. Faculty of Engineering of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China;3. Key laboratory of natural gas quality and energy measurement, CNPC, Chengdu 610213, China)
ISO 15112 is just a management standard, so a series of supporting standards are needed in the implementation process of energy metering, to solve the problems such as selection of analysis and measurement methods, construction of reference measurement instrument, preparation and application of reference gas mixtures, establishment of traceability guidelines and evaluation of uncertainty, etc. A lot of experimental studies and on-site determination have been carried out and a series of achievements have been obtained since GB/T 22723 was released in China. But many important standards have not been formed and carried out yet, which seriously affect the basic research and technology development related to energy metering. Considering foreign advanced standards propelling science and technology tangibility, it is suggested that relevant departments should give full attention to the following three aspects of work:①pay close attention to the construction of reference calorimeter; ②accelerate the development of high accuracy, multicomponent RGM applicable to energy metering; ③speed up the conversion of ISO and other foreign advanced standards related to natural gas analysis traceability and uncertainty evaluation.
Key words:  natural gas energy metering  natural gas analysis traceability  calorific value determination  calorimeter