引用本文:谭珮琮,李小龙,卢德杰,石一丁. 立管飞溅区泄漏火灾事故的数值模拟分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(2): 92-97.
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为研究立管喷射火对海上平台人员及结构安全的影响,应用专业三维CFD火灾模拟软件KFX对某海上平台30 in(1 in=25.4 mm)立管在飞溅区发生的喷射火进行模拟。根据相关行业标准及破坏准则,分析了20 mm、50 mm孔径和断裂泄漏喷射火对平台救逃生路线、生活楼、救生艇、直升机甲板、结构及其他立管的影响。模拟结果表明,由于有限的泄漏速率和平台甲板及障碍物的阻挡,20 mm和50 mm孔径泄漏喷射火影响范围较为有限,不会对平台人员救逃生产生影响,需要关注可能导致的事故升级。断裂泄漏喷射火将对平台人员救逃生产生重大影响,对平台结构造成严重破坏。进行点火源隔离避免火灾的发生,或者尽量缩短火灾的持续时间是应对断裂泄漏的有效对策。
关键词:  海上平台  立管  喷射火  CFD  模拟  应急准备 
Numerical simulation and analysis of riser leakage and fire accident in the splash zone of the offshore platform
Tan Peicong1, Li Xiaolong1, Lu Dejie1, Shi Yiding2
(1. CNOOC Deepwater Development Limited Company, Zhuhai 519000, China;2. Lloyd's Register Consulting, Beijing 100013, China)
In this paper, simulation of jet fire in the splash zone due to 30″ riser leakage are performed by 3D CFD fire modelling software KFX to study the impacts of the jet fire on people safety and platform structure. The radiation flux of jet fire caused by 20 mm and 50 mm orifices leakage and rupture are analyzed as well as the influence to escape route, living quarter, life boat, helideck, platform structure and other risers. The simulation results show that the jet fire impacting area due to 20 mm and 50 mm orifice leakage is limited because of the obstruction of platform decks and blockage. The jet fire would not impair the escape route on platform significantly, but the escalation potential of other risers should be taken into consideration. The jet fire due to riser rupture would cause impairment of the platform structure. Ignition source isolation and shut down of the riser are the effective measures to mitigate the riser rupture accident.
Key words:  platform  riser  jet fire  CFD  simulation  emergency preparedness