引用本文:韩一学,李汉勇. 燃气互换性综合实验系统的设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 32-35.
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1.中国石油大学(北京)油气管道输送安全国家工程实验室/城市油气输配技术北京市重点实验室 ;2.北京石油化工学院机械工程学院
随着城镇燃气多气源供应格局的形成,不同气源之间互换带来的问题日益凸显。针对民用大气式燃烧器,设计了一种用于实验室研究的燃气互换性综合实验系统,包括动态配气系统和灶具性能测试系统。该系统配气精度高、响应速度快、即配即用、数字化灵活配气、连续可调,尤其在测定燃具适应域时独具优势;解决了现有系统占地面积大、混气不均、滞后性大、排空浪费气源等问题。 
关键词:  燃气互换性  多组分动态配气  精度高  响应速度快 
A design of gas interchangeability experimental system
Han Yixue1, Li Hanyong2
(1. National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, Beijing 102249, China;2. Beijing Institute of Petro-Chemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China)
In view of the pattern of multiple gas supply in cities, a series of problems about gas interchangeability are brought to our attention. For atmospheric gas burner, integrated gas interchangeability and blending test system has been designed for laboratory research, which includes dynamic gas-mixing system and combustion characteristics of gas appliances testing system. The devices have the advantages of small and accurate multi-gas blending, fast respond speed, instant blending and use, digital display instrument, and continuous gas flowing. Besides, the system has huge advantages in determining the flexible range of gas appliances to different gases. Many problems have been solved perfectly by using this system, such as large space occupation, the unevenness of gas mixture, long time lag, and wasting gas.
Key words:  gas interchangeability  multi-gas blending  high precision  fast respond speed