引用本文:徐仿海,孙忠娟,徐大学,孙德. 超声辅助-过氧化氢/甲酸/磷钨酸催化氧化柴油深度脱硫研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 27-31.
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在超声辅助下,以过氧化氢/甲酸为氧化剂、磷钨酸为催化剂,用催化氧化的方法对加氢柴油深度脱硫,考察了磷钨酸用量、氧硫摩尔比、甲酸质量分数、油水体积比、反应温度、超声功率、萃取剂组成对加氢柴油脱硫效果的影响。实验结果表明,在磷钨酸用量为0.2%w柴油、氧硫摩尔比为10∶1、甲酸质量分数为80%、油水体积比为8∶1、反应温度为80 ℃、超声功率为240 W、萃取剂组成为V甲醇∶V水=2∶1的工艺条件下,加氢柴油脱硫率和收率分别为97.3%和95.6%,总硫质量分数降至9.512 μg/g,达到加氢柴油深度脱硫的目的。 
关键词:  柴油  深度脱硫  催化氧化  磷钨酸  超声波 
Study on diesel deep desulfurization by ultrasound assisted-H2O2/formic acid/phosphotungstic acid catalytic oxidation
Xu Fanghai1, Sun Zhongjuan1, Xu Daxue2, Sun De3
(1. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Yan'an Vocational and Technical College, Yan'an 716000, China;2. Yan'an Oil Refinery, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(group) Co., Ltd., Luochuan 727406, China;3. School of Chemical Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130012, China)
Deep desulfurization of hydrofining diesel was treated by the process of ultrasound assisted-H2O2/formic acid-phosphotungstic acid catalytic oxidation. The factors affecting the treatment were studied. The experimental results showed that under the conditions of phosphotungstic acid dosage was 0.2% of the diesel mass fraction, molar ratio of O to S was 10∶1, formic acid mass fraction was 80%, the volume ratio of diesel to water was 8∶1, reaction temperature was 80 ℃, ultrasonic power was 240 W, the volume ratio of extractant methanol to water was 2∶1, the removal rate of sulfur was 97.3% and the yield was 95.6% respectively, the total sulfur mass fraction decreased to 9.512 μg/g, which could meet the requirement of deep desulfurization of hydrofining diesel.
Key words:  diesel  deep desulfurization  catalytic oxidation  phosphotungstic acid  ultrasound