引用本文:王道成,张燕,赵万伟,向超,原励,龙顺敏,等. 四川盆地震旦系储层改造液体选择技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 51-56.
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四川盆地高石梯~磨溪构造带震旦系储层具有温度高、埋藏深、储层缝洞发育、非均质性强等特征,针对性的酸液体系及配方选择是获得此类储层增产改造的关键因素之一。结合震旦系储层特征,分析了储层改造技术难点,开展了针对性的酸液性能评价试验研究,结果表明:①胶凝酸、转向酸具有良好的控滤失性能,滤失系数为10-4~10-5级;②胶凝酸、交联酸具有较低的摩阻,平均摩阻系数分别为0.377 7和0.366 4;③胶凝酸、交联酸具有较低的酸岩反应速率,平均酸岩反应速率为10-5级;④转向酸可对40倍渗透率岩心实现转向,变黏黏度可达70 mPa·s;⑤可降解纤维在150 ℃下,2.5 h可完全降解。试验表明,注入压力提高了3.2 MPa。探索形成了4类储层特征下针对性的酸液体系优选原则,优选的酸液体系在震旦系储层得到了大量的应用。 
关键词:  四川盆地  高石梯  磨溪  震旦系  储层改造  滤失  摩阻  酸岩反应  转向 
Research of liquid system selection technology of Sinian system reservoir stimulation in Sichuan Basin
Wang Daocheng, Zhang Yan, Zhao Wanwei, Xiang Chao, Yuan Li, Long Shunmin, Sun Chuan, Wang Chuan, Liu Youquan, Shi Xiaosong
(Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China)
The reservoir of Gaoshiti-Moxi structure of Sinian system in Sichuan Basin has the characteristics of high temperature, deep buried, fractured-vuggy development and strong reservoir heterogeneity. The acid fluid system and formula selection is one of the key factors to stimulate the reservoir and increase production. Combined with the characters of Sinian system, the technical difficulties of reservoir stimulation were analyzed, the acid liquid system performance experiments were carried out, and results showed that:①The filtration performance of gelled acid and VES acid is good, and the filtration coefficient is about 10-4-10-5 level;②the friction resistance of gelled acid and cross-linked acid is low ,the average friction coefficient is 0.377 7 and 0.366 4 for each acid;③the acid-rock reaction rate of gelled acid and cross-linked acid is low, and the average reaction rate is about 10-5 level;④the VES acid can treat the 40 times permeability cores diverting successfully, and the most variable viscosity can reach 70 mPa·s;under 150 ℃ for 2.5 h, the degradable fiber can degrade completely, the injection pressure can achieve 3.2 MPa in the test. Finally, the acid system optimum principles have developed based on four types of reservoir characteristics, and the optimized acid systems have successfully applied in Sinian system reservoir.
Key words:  Sichuan Basin  Gaoshiti  Moxi  Sinian system  reservoir stimulation  filtration  friction resistance  acid-rock reaction  diverting