引用本文:吴文刚,刘友权,易大森,熊颖,陈鹏飞,代运. 压裂液连续混配技术及在“工厂化”压裂中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 57-60.
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随着国内页岩气“工厂化”压裂的大规模应用,施工用液量大、罐群数量多、场地占用面积大,传统的配液方式已不能满足“工厂化”压裂的需求。详细研究了配液用稠化剂溶解特性,指出滑溜水连续混配关键在于降阻剂的流动性能及溶解性能,粉末瓜尔胶可利用其弱碱性分散、弱酸性溶解的特性,结合现有国产连续混配装置来实现连续混配。开发出的大液量、大排量压裂液连续混配技术,在页岩气“工厂化”压裂中得到了推广应用,缩短了施工作业周期、降低了现场作业强度、避免了压裂液腐烂变质,实现了高效、绿色环保的压裂施工。 
关键词:  页岩气  “工厂化”压裂  滑溜水  瓜尔胶  连续混配 
Application of technology of continuous mixing fracturing fluid on “large-scale” fracturing
Wu Wengang1, Liu Youquan1, Yi Dasen2,Xiong Ying1, Chen Pengfei1, Dai Yun3
(1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China;2. the Seventh Construction of China Petroleum and Natural Gas Company, Qingdao 266300, China;3. Sichuan Changning Gas Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610051, China)
The application of domestic shale gas "large-scale" fracturing results in higher fluid consumption,more tank groups and wider occupied area of cluster horizontal wells,the traditional fracturing fluid mix-processing can not meet the demand of large-scale fracturing. Based on the detailed study of the dissolution characteristic of thickening agent,it is pointed out that the key of gliding water continuous mix-processing is the flow and dissolve performance of drag reduction agent, using the characters of guar gum powder scattered in weakly alkaline media and dissolved in weak acid media, and combined with the continuous mixing device, technology of fracturing fluid with large liquid volume and large displacement is developed, and applied in the production of shale gas. The technology shortened the operation cycle, reduced the intensity of field operation, and also avoided the fracturing fluid deterioration. It finally achieves efficient and environmental-friendly fracturing operation.
Key words:  shale gas  "large-scale" fracturing  slick water  guar gum  continuous mixing process