引用本文:姚远,范洪富,高圣平,张玉. 采油用化学剂通用技术条件和评价方法标准适应性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 82-87.
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目前,油田采油用化学剂种类多,用量大,适应性和针对性强。但存在生产企业及产品众多且各成体系,标准不规范等问题,使采油用化学剂的使用受到限制,亟待进行规范管理。针对压裂用化学剂、酸化用化学剂、调剖堵水用化学剂及化学驱等采油化学剂现行通用技术条件和评价标准体系进行了系统梳理,结合采油用化学剂最新的发展,讨论了现行通用标准和评价标准的适用性与存在问题,为采油用化学剂标准化工作发展提出以下建议:①加快非常规油气藏开发中的采油、增产化学剂配套标准的制定(如滑溜水、转向剂等标准);②梳理近年来的新技术、新工艺及配套的新产品或工作液,优选产品启动标准建设;③引入“负面清单”+“先行先试”管理制度;④建立全流程油田化学剂使用档案信息登记以及油化剂“配伍表”;⑤增加与安全环保性能评价和技术要求相关的标准内容。 
关键词:  采油  化学剂  通用技术条件  评价标准  适应性 
Study on the adaptability of the general technical conditions and evaluation standards of the chemical agents used for oil recovery
Yao Yuan1,2, Fan Hongfu1, Gao Shengping2, Zhang Yu2
(1. College of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;2. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing 100083, China)
At present, the chemical agents have the characteristics of variety, large dosage, stronger adaptability and pertinence, multiple brands and manufacturers, various systems, which lead to the standards served for these chemical agents are not uniform and their applications are restricted, and the market management is chaos. In view of these issues, it is urgently needed to standardize management. This paper systematically reviews the general technical conditions and evaluation standards of chemical agents used for fracturing, acidizing, profile control and water plugging as well as chemical flooding. The adaptability and problems of the current used chemical agents and working fluids is analyzed by integrating the recent development of chemical agents. We proposed suggestions for the development of chemical agents standardization:①Accelerate the establishment of standards for chemical agents used in unconventional reservoir oil and gas recovery; ②select representative chemical agents and working fluid products to set standards based on systematically preference of the new developed products; ③introduce “negative list” and “first used and first test” management regulations; ④establish information records system of chemical agents used in the whole process of oil field development and “compatibility table” of chemical agents; ⑤consider the technical requirement of security and environment protection while establishing standards.
Key words:  oil recovery  chemical agent  general technical condition  evaluation standard  adaptability