引用本文:徐庆虎,崔德春,蔡黎,李强,门秀杰,罗勤. 天然气组成分析及物性参数计算标准对煤制气的适用性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 88-92.
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分析了现行天然气的组成分析标准和物性参数计算方法标准对煤制气的适用性。结果 表明,由于煤制气组分简单,可以采用GB/T 13610-2014分析煤制气的组成;煤制气的体积高位发热量、密度、相对密度和沃泊指数可以采用GB/T 11062-2014计算;GB/T 17747.3-2011是使用物性参数计算天然气的压缩因子,与我国目前分析习惯不相符;在对煤制气组成准确分析的基础上,推荐采用GB/T 17747.2-2011,即使用煤制气组成计算煤制气的工况压缩因子。 
关键词:  煤制气  组成分析  物性参数  方法标准  适应性 
Study on the applicability of natural gas composition analysis and physical property parameters calculation standards for coal-bed substituted natural gas
Xu Qinghu1, Cui Dechun1, Cai Li2, Li Qiang1, Men Xiujie1, Luo Qin2
(1. CNOOC Research Institute, Beijing 100028, China;2. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu 610213, China)
It has been studied that the applicability of natural gas composition analysis and physical property parameters calculation standards for substituted natural gas (SNG). As a result, the composition of SNG could be analyzed by GB/T 13610-2014, due to the uncomplicated composition. The physical property parameters, such as superior calorific value, density, relative density and Wobbe index, could be well calculated by GB/T 11062-2014. GB/T 17747.3-2011 is used to calculate the compression factor of natural gas according to the physical property parameters, which is not the usual practice in our country. On the basis of accurate results of SNG composition analysis, GB/T 17747.2-2011 is recommended to calculate the compression factor of SNG under the working conditions by using coal gas composition.
Key words:  coal-bed substituted natural gas  composition analysis  physical property parameter  method standard  applicability