引用本文:李月,刘攀. 液硫池破损原因分析及改进措施研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 103-108.
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中国石油大学(北京) 城市油气输配技术北京市重点实验室
在实际生产中,硫磺通常以液态形式进行储存运输。液硫池作为储存液体硫磺的重要设施,由于储存介质的特殊性,其铸造和设计与普通水池相比有更高的要求,如果设计不合适,可能会造成液硫池的破损。首先,简要介绍了某天然气净化厂液硫池的设计特点,并针对其曾出现的破损问题,分析发生破损的原因;然后,借助abaqus有限元分析软件对液硫池进行温度场模拟。模拟结果显示,混凝土层的温度超过100 ℃,通过模拟液硫池的受力变形,得出高温环境是液硫池发生破损的诱因;最后,在混凝土层温度控制、选材以及操作优化等方面提出了一定的修改意见。 
关键词:  液硫池  破损  温度场  选材  abaqus 
Causes analysis of liquid sulfur pool breakage and corresponding improvement measures
Li Yue, Liu Pan
(Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing 102249, China)
In actual production, sulfur is usually transported in liquid form. As an important facility for liquid sulfur storage, the casting and design of the liquid sulfur pool need higher requirements than the ordinary one, due to the particular medium it stores. The breakage may occur when the design is not appropriate enough. In this paper, the design features of liquid sulfur pools in a natural gas purification plant were briefly introduced firstly, and the reasons of its breakage were analyzed. Then the finite element analysis software Abaqus was adopted to simulate the temperature field of the liquid sulfur pool. The simulation results showed that the temperature of the concrete layer is more than 100 ℃. Besides, the deformation simulation of liquid sulfur pool indicated that high temperature environment is the inducement of the liquid sulfur pool breakage. Finally, a set of improving suggestions, in terms of the temperature control of concrete layer, material selection and operation optimization, etc., are proposed.
Key words:  liquid sulfur pool  breakage  temperature field  suitable material  Abaqus