引用本文:刘武,纪国文,罗召钱,田智. 天然气矿场集输系统用能分析及评价方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(3): 109-116.
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1.油气消防四川省重点实验室·西南石油大学;2.浙江浙能天然气运行有限公司 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司川西北气矿
天然气矿场集输系统是由井场、集气分离站、增压站、集输管网和气田水回注站等用能环节按照一定拓扑结构衔接而成的复杂用能系统,是气田生产中的主要能耗环节之一。现有过程系统能量模型不完全适用于天然气矿场集输系统,对过程系统“三环节”能量结构模型进行了改进,将集输系统划分为能量转换、传输、利用和回收4个环节,从能量平衡和火用平衡两个角度,结合“三箱”用能分析法,提出具有一般性的集输系统用能过程“组合模块多环节分析法”。对某气田矿场集输系统进行了用能分析,确定集输系统节能降耗切入点,提出了调整改造措施。构建包含各用能子环节的二级指标体系与评价准则,利用改进层次分析法确定各级指标权重,建立集输系统用能模糊评价模型。 
关键词:  天然气矿场集输系统  用能分析  过程能量模型  组合模块多环节分析法  用能评价 
Energy analysis and evaluation method study of natural gas gathering and transportation system
Liu Wu1, Ji Guowen2, Luo Zhaoqian3, Tian Zhi3
(1. Oil and Gas Fire Protection Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;2. Zhejiang Zheenergy Natural Gas Operation Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 313200, China;3. Northwestern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Jiangyou 621709, China)
The natural gas gathering and transportation system, composed of well site, gas gathering and separating station, booster station, gas pipeline networks and gas field water reinjection station, is a complex energy system in accordance with a certain topological structure of Zero convergence and it is one of the major energy-using sectors for gas producing. The energy model in existing process system is not fully applicable to natural gas gathering system, and then the gathering and transportation system is divided into four segments containing energy conversion, energy transmission, energy utilization and energy recovery by improving "three links" energy structure model of the process system. From the two perspectives of energy balance and exergy balance with the "three box" energy analysis method, the "Combined module multi-link analytical method" is proposed for a general energy consumption process. Energy analysis on a gas gathering system is conducted, energy-saving entry point of the gathering system is determined, and adjustment and reconstruction measures are proposed. The secondary index system and evaluation criteria of every energy sub segment is construct, the index weight levels using the Improved APH is determined, and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of a gathering system is established.
Key words:  natural gas gathering and transportation system  energy analysis  process energy mode  combined module multi-link analytical method  energy evaluation