引用本文:石文英,李红宾,侯宏祥. 热重、核磁共振与气-质联用三种方法对比分析生物柴油的浓度[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 76-79.
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生物柴油作为一种绿色的可再生能源,其生产越来越受到世界各国的重视,而建立一种快捷、准确、经济地测定其浓度的检测方法至关重要。通过实验结果,对比分析了热重、核磁共振和气-质联用3种方法测定生物柴油浓度的优缺点。热重方法可以准确地测定生物柴油的浓度,而且不需要使用溶剂和标样,方法快捷、经济可行;核磁共振方法简单、快捷、精确,但在测试中需要使用氘代试剂,测试费用较高;气-质联用方法虽然可以区分各种脂肪酸甲酯、甘油和甘油三酯,但是该方法只适合定性分析。 
关键词:  生物柴油  热重  核磁共振  气-质联用  生物柴油浓度 
Contrastive analysis of the biodiesel concentration by TG,1H NMR and GC-MS
Shi Wenying1, Li Hongbin1, Hou Hongxiang2
(1. School of Textiles Engineering, Henan Institute of Engineering, Zhengzhou 450007, China;2. Xinli Purification Co. Ltd, Xinxiang 453400, China)
Biodiesel as a kind of green renewable energy has attracted more and more attention in the world. It is very important to establish a fast, accurate and economical method for determining the concentration of biodiesel. The advantages and disadvantages of three methods for determining the contents of biodiesel were analyzed by the experimental results. Thermogravimetry can accurately determine the content of biodiesel and it does not require the use of solvent and standard sample. The method is fast, economical and feasible. Nuclear magnetic resonance is a simple, fast and accurate method,but the cost of test is higher because the deuterated reagent is used in the test. Although gas-mass spectrometry can be used to distinguish various fatty acid methyl esters, glycerol and triglyceride,it is only suitable for qualitative analysis.
Key words:  biodiesel  thermogravimetry  nuclear magnetic resonance  gas-mass spectrometry  biodiesel concentration