引用本文:彭利果,王强,段继芹,任佳,张强. 天然气流量环道检测装置影响因素分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 80-84, 94.
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1.国家石油天然气大流量计量站成都分站;2.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;3.中国石油集团公司天然气质量控制与能量计量重点实验室
天然气流量环道检测装置能降低检定站对上游气源及排气通道压力、流量的依赖,拓宽天然气流量计量检定站检定能力,进一步完善天然气流量量值溯源体系。装置对工艺、控制等关键技术要求高,装置的测量不确定度受多方面因素影响。介绍了国内外气体流量计量环道装置技术指标,分析了国家石油天然气大流量计量站成都分站天然气流量环道检测装置,以及环道检测装置不确定度影响因素,提出了降低环道检测装置整体不确定度的措施和建议。 
关键词:  天然气  流量计量环道  影响因素  措施 
Analysis of the influence factors of natural gas flow measurement loop system
Peng Liguo1,2,3, Wang Qiang1,2,3, Duan Jiqin1,2,3, Ren Jia1,2,3, Zhang Qiang1,2,3
(1. Chengdu Branch of China Natural Petroleum & Natural Gas Mass Flowrate Calibration Staion , Chengdu 610213,China;2.Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,China;3. Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Quality Control & Energy Measurement,PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company,Chengdu 610213,China)
Natural gas flow measurement loop system can reduce the dependences on upstream natural gas supply, gas flow and gas pressure at exhaust channel of calibration station. Meanwhile, it can expand test capacity and further improve the traceability system of gas flow quantity. For the loop system,the key technical indicators of process and control are required highly, and the measurement uncertainty is affected by various factors. In this article, the domestic and foreign technical indicators and the characteristics of gas flow measurement loop system are introduced. The natural gas loop system of Chengdu Branch, and the influence factors of measurement uncertainty are analyzed. In addition, the measures and suggestions on reducing the overall measurement uncertainty of loop system are present.
Key words:  natural gas  flow measurement loop system  influence factor  measure